Digital Strategy

WordPress, Squarespace, proposal writing, and blogs.

For two years, I have helped design and upkeep websites for local community groups and corporate clients to increase traffic and reach using the best practices of content marketing (blogs), reissuing copy, and staying up-to-date on trends.

[left] The GMMB Climate, Health, and Equity blog where I helped push edits and site publishing.


Website Maintenance Updates included copy or media editing and layout customization.
Updates would discourage from engaging in regular cannabis habits.
Work covered copy or media editing, link updates, and layout changes.
Teens can learn about marijuana addiction and help avoidance tips.
Conduct first-draft website audits to ensure content is relevant and true.
The consumer-focused site aims to sell the need for flood insurance.


Web Design for JRR Home Improvement

January 2019 edition. Currently planning to reissue.


Web Design for Omega Alpha Kappa

May 2019 edition. Currently planning to reissue.

+GMMB Website Portfolio Proposal Tool

The tool was used to showcase the creative assets within accounts and campaigns. Each digital proposal was paired with specific case studies that related to the proposal’s work. I lead the front on all digital proposals. I communicated with developers under all issues, organized case studies and proposals, maintained the WordPress account hierarchy, issued guidelines to users, and communicated the account team’s requirements to the creative team.

  • Drag and Drop interface
  • Custom layouts and HTML
  • Libraries for saved icons and layouts